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Using units :section advance
Les Tactiques bulldozer a écrit : "Principles:
Each unit should be able to assumes its own safe at each moment,moving or not.

Section organisation:
1_Section leader:
2_Combat squads(3 or 4,sometimes even 6 little squads like sappers)
3_Possible reinforcements(AT weapons,MG,50mm mortars,OA...)

Each elements gives visibility informations.These informations can be improved with the use of covering arcs in a given direction.

By night or bad visibility,section is tightening its dispositive.Distances between squads are reduced to keep the linking distances.However they try,as during day,to use the terrain to avoid enemy detection(masks,covers,pathways)

The moving section can use 3 formations:

_close squads
_successive squads

Front and depth are decided following the situation,mission,terrain and visibility conditions.Section leader has to be able to execute its leadership easily,if possible by direct view(red line linking the leader to the squad).He's positionned where he can guide its section,lead and control its action(generally with the head elements or the squad with the most valuable mission).
Leader position into the section is so variable.

_Triangle position:
This formation increases security.

spear up:
This formation enables to face instantly every directions.It helps maneuvers and reaction in case of surprise.The leader is close to the head squad.

base up:
Used to approach a particular or suspicious part of the terrain.It reduces the section's vulnerability.

_Line formation(close squads):
This formation is adapted for the crossing of a particular spot of the terrain(crest...),an underfire area(artillery,mortars...) or recon on a large area, but also for assaulting.

_Column formation(successivesquads):
Used for infiltration,advance,mandatory spot crossing or flank protection.Enables discretion and swiftness.

As you can guess,the base of all maneuver is the section.However,in a 3000 points game,you lead 2 batallions and about 20 sections, it becomes very difficult to keep this rigid moving way(repetitivity of orders...).
But it can optimize your advance...
Each progression has to be done following these formations.However,in progression,the terrain orders!
It orders each squad advance,intervals between units,type of movement(run,tactical,contact,sneak...)following the mission goals!
Don't forget two other parameters that are here to improve(complexify?)movement choices:
_The delay to go to the objective.
_Your squads health(if exhausted,stop tactical moving,running or sneaking!!!).
No movement should happens without knowing accurately where it ends,in which conditions and delay.
Moving isn't improvisation because it puts units underfire!


Posté le par Vla

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