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Détail de la partie

Podrez william44

OB : 2000 Pts
65 35


Victoire tactique de Podrez

Avec ce résultat Podrez ne gagne et ne perd aucun point

ET william44 ne gagne et ne perd aucun point

Rapport de Podrez
QB, ME, 2000. I played Axis.
Aug 43.
I take:
1 Platoon Stug III (x3)
2 Flammpanzers
3 Conpanies Cavalry.
1 Kubelwagen
1 251/1

On map was 2 big flags and 1 small. 1 big and 1 small was near. In center.
I setup my forces 3 platoons to take left flag and 4 platoons to take center.
another 2 platoons - reserve.
Stugs: 1 rigth, 2 laft, 1 center behing the hill. The hill was long - from rigth to left flang.
Flamms: each to flag.

Party begin.
Center I take easy, opponent not try to take center. Almost all infantry has directed to left flag.
His tanks was in good positions, but if they moved - lot of them was destroyed by Stugs.
Thus my 3 platoon in left battled to much superior forces of the opponent. But Russian infantry was not supported, therefore losses here are almost equal. My flammpanzer very good support here, but was bogged, immobilized and after destroyed by approached T34.
More of my troops and 1 flammpanzer was stay in reserve until ceasefire.

It is hard to fight in aug 43 with Stugs. Therefore the opponent could not support infantry tanks.
This party was the first party with the human at my opponent. Thus he make more mistakes in tanks vaneuvers. But as a whole planned correctly.
During a party I too have admitted some mistakes therefore has lost 251/1 and flammpanzer.

Rapport de william44
in english for podrez

a good score because podrez accept the cease fire early in tne game...
i've lost, sure.... nothing left to let die !

i've tried on the center : but the hill on his side was anapurna with very good look on my troops

i've tried on the right, but, you know what ? he had à flammpz III. it is verry unpleasant, you know ...

and my poor t34 are still lookinf fr a way to go in the valley where are wainting the infantery mans.

well done podrez : not even a luck !

et pour les autres ...

un bon score uniquement parceque podrez a accepte un cessez le feu rapide (il etait 1h30 en france).. ne nous y trompons pas j'ai bel et bien perdu .. plus rien à laisser mourrir de mon coté.

j'ai essay&é au centre : il etait en haut d'une magnifique coline avec une vue bien claire de tout mes mouvements ...

j'ai essayé a droite, mais il a sorti un flammpz ... trés désagréable, vraiment ...

mes pauvres t 34 cherchent encore un passage abrité pour rejoindre la vallée et les fantassins russes.

je n'ai pas eu une seule chance ...

A ce jour Podrez a rencontréé william44 1 fois

Podrez a gagné 1 partie(s) perdu 0 et fait 0 partie(s) nulle(s)




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