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Battlefield Zoning
Les Tactiques Navy a écrit : "
Meeting engagements are always different, because of a parameter variation, opponent or battle date. Having notice that, it is sometimes difficult to draw up an efficient strategy that would surprise your opponent. What follow is a tactic that may apply in a lot of situations but that is theory anyhow. It's up to you to adapt it to the geographic situation of the battlefield, to the troops at your disposal and of course to your opponent...

    1- Basis principle

Let's admit that the battle ground is relatively homogenous, let's imagine one with small relief, few woods and large enough. How to proceed ?
Everything starts with your troops set up during the turn dedicated to this 

From the very beginning it's needed to mentally divide the map into 3 distinct zones ( here are zones A, B and C ). In the example above note the 3 flag positions and the kind of valley in the middle ( B zone )

    2- Forces organization

This is where this tactic make sense, it's up to you to define priority objectives

How to proceed ?
By dividing your troops like that : 50%, 30% and 20%. In other words it means that you're going to divide your troops into 3 distinct groups with respectively 50, 30 and 20 percent of your army total strength ( It does not matter which components, this distribution is done by feeling )
Now that groups are done, you need to define 3 objectives ( 1 per group then )

    3- Attack plan(s) 


In the example above, the main objective is the B zone ( very big arrow )
Why ?
  • Because it's in the middle of the map
  • There is a big flag ( 300 points )
  • The excess of troops can be used in A or C zone Secondary objective which you allocate 30% of your troops is C zone

    Why ?
  • You're bluffing, indeed there is only a small flag ( 100 points ), you can then bet that your opponent will choose to control the 2 big flags ( A and B zones ) and will dedicate only a few troops to the small one
  • This is a high level area that could help controlling B zone

    Then the optional objective is A zone ( optional to be understood as not the primary objective at the beginning of the game )
    Why ?
  • Because you can bet on numerous enemy troops there ( the hill in the north west is a windfall for your opponent, giving him a tactical advantage in this area )
  • If your plan runs smoothly, control of A zone should be possible dint by supplementary forces from group in B zone

    Of course, this plan is not the better neither the most adapted to your battlefield.
    We can imagine here that for example A zone is the primary objective, followed by B zone and C zone... ( That would be more logical for that matter, but this is the charm of human tactic, the most obvious and secure plan is not always the winning one )

      4- Support between zones


    One of the advantages of the battlefield and troops zoning is that it gives a simple and quicker view of the situation. In this 3rd schema, you can see phase 2 of the strategy :
    Let's have a look zone by zone
      A zone
    This is the weakest part of your tactic as per the strategy defined at the very beginning.
    Your opponent is probably stronger than you in terms of troops and firepower...
    Target is to hold him as long as possible awaiting for reinforcement from the center of the map
      B zone
    At least half of your troops are there, and excepted an identical strategy of your opponent, you should outnumber him. Sufficiently to launch an attack with most part of your forces ( 30% ) and to support A zone group as well.
      C zone
    Secondary objective, your opponent is probably inferior to you.
    Take the opportunity to occupy the ground and prepare a group that might – if necessary - support forces in B zone

      Summary :
  • Mentally divide the battlefield into distinct zones
  • Allocate a combat group to each zone
  • Define primary and secondary objectives
  • The different groups should be able to support each other if need be


    Note :
    • Author : Tipy1980
    • Last update : 05/01/06
    • Translation : Navy
    Posté le par Vla

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